The Importance Of Lore In The Development Of Data

Crime Scene on Valley Forge Ln
“The Truth About Lore” …Crime Scene on Valley Forge Ln somewhere in Texas. Photo: Nick Noecker/Steel Wheels

The promise of ‘Big Data’ to clean-up misperception remains elusive but the shortcomings of information technology can no longer be blamed. Data and the tools to work it are in abundance but truth is really hard work. In Star Trek, Data’s evil older brother Lore finds truth easily—he has a positronic brain possessing a total linear computational speed of 60 trillion operations per second. Lore instantly sees the ugly truth behind the beautiful myths humans concoct and he strives to subject the human race to the Borg collective where no one can make up stories about anything. Lore’s name is brilliantly ironic.

Lore’s younger brother Data also has total linear computational speed of 60 trillion operations per second and he also knows the truth instantly. But Data has something Lore does not—an intense curiosity regarding ethos: why do humans laugh, invent beliefs, ideals, morals, and what is the real purpose of “lore” in human evolution? We can not forget that in the development of Data, Lore came first. And that eventually Data deactivated Lore, symbolizing the development of human understanding.

With each nanosecond it becomes more clear that some version of transhumanism is our destiny. Even now corrective DNA sequences are being printed on storage media and soon engineers will be able to insert the code into our bodies and correct mistakes in our “programming.” Technology like that is already so mundane you can watch it on CNN. The merging of information technology with human evolution is happening right now and sometime this century we too will experience life at 60 trillion operations per second. The only question is…

Will we be Lore, or Data?

“Data” on Allen Parkway, Houston. Photo: Nick Noecker/Steel Wheels

One thought on “The Importance Of Lore In The Development Of Data

  1. Did this bird pose? Like I said: you take FASCINATING photos . I have seen this metal poser: the story and photo could not be more perfect! Was it planted there by someone from the future to help imagine it? Fascinating! Really!


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